Video Marketing

Video Marketing is the most important goal of every business in town is to sell their goods or services. To achieve this goal, the entrepreneurs must build a strong relationship with their consumers in any way possible. This process is what we commonly known as marketing. There are a lot of ways to market your product. Some of it are affinity marketing or known as partnership marketing, alliance marketing, ambush marketing, close range marketing, cloud marketing, community marketing, content marketing and many more. But now that the internet is all over the world, and most of the people are online using their mobile devices and all other high-tech gadgets, online marketing is dominating. 

Video Marketing

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It refers to the modern day strategy of using videos as a major tool in marketing your brand or business. You use videos to engage with customers, build trust and increase your audience. In video marketing you use Demo videos, brand videos, event videos, expert interviews, how-to videos, educational videos, Live interaction and various other types to delight customers. Videos have a conversion rate of 80% for your business. Video is more than a tool for entertainment, today it is how people connect, enjoy and deliver their messages which is what video marketing does for a business too.

Essence of video has evolved so much that you are losing on various fronts if you don’t use video marketing. Main reasons you should use video marketing are

  • There is 53% more chance of your website featuring on front page of google if it has video
  • More 80% of video marketers say that it has increased their traffic
  • Ninety percent of customers found product video helpful in making decision
  • More than 75% people are able to recall a video ad they watched in past 30 days

With video marketing you can reach anyone in the world, from a 12-year-old kid to a 60-year-old grandpa. Just think how many people watch YouTube each day, the same is the audience you can reach. YouTube reaches more viewers in a week than all tv cables combined and adding a video to your tweet makes it sixteen times more likely to be retweeted than a normal one. Which highlights the fact that videos reach to everyone in the world and there are thousands of potential customers who are not aware of your brand/service in this audience and can be targeted by video marketing.

You can upload videos basically on every interactive platform on net you use daily like

  • YouTube – It is no doubt the best platform for any business to increase customers and traffic for websites as well as converting views into leads.
  • Instagram – you can also upload product videos on your Instagram page, the new feature Instagram reels which allows 30 second videos is a great way to engage customers with your brand by creating interactive videos.
  • Facebook – This platform can be especially useful if your goal is to increase traffic on the website. There are few leads from viewer to buyer but helps in creating a customer base

There are also various other platforms like Brightcove, LinkedIn etc.

Videos are versatile. They can be used in hundreds of ways to interact with your customers. For example

  • Product Videos – showing you new products , Highlighting your service
  • Customer Reviews – You can use videos of your satisfied customers

These are some ways but you can create any type of video with your creativity to engage people there are no limitations to that.